Identity theft threatens not only the individual whose information is under attack: the organization responsible for protecting that information is also at risk. Many high-profile cases in recent years have involved lawsuits seeking damages not from the identity thief but from the “hacked” organization. Banks, hospitals, insurance companies, credit agencies—any organization in the business of gathering and storing confidential information on individuals—are being sued by privacy-breach victims alleging lax security protections. Potential class actions in this area could alter the way companies do business.
Foley will discuss this growing threat and how organizations can protect themselves. The hour-long webinar will survey current case law and the sometimes confusing standard of liability in this area. We will suggest preventive measures an organization should consider to protect itself as well as legal steps to take if such charges arise.
Please join us for this program on Tuesday, March 1, 2011. The program will feature Foley partners David B. Goroff, Edward J. Green, senior counsel Aaron Tantleff, and associate Benjamin B. Folsom.
There is no cost to attend this seminar, but advance registration is required. For more information, please contact John Vicars at [email protected] or 312.832.5122.
Foley will apply for CLE credit after the program, wherever applicable. Foley certifies that this activity has been approved for California MCLE credits by the State Bar of California in the amount of one hour General credit. Foley is a State Bar of California MCLE approved provider.
David Goroff is the attorney responsible for this program.