Mark A. Aiello


Mark A. Aiello is a partner and co-chair of the firm’s Automotive Industry Team. He is recognized by Chambers USA as a leading lawyer nationwide who represents companies in the automotive industry.

Mark focuses on business transactions and commercial litigation, including supply chain agreements and litigation, product development and protection, as well as warranty and recall litigation. His experience includes serving as lead counsel in connection with business acquisitions and divestitures, as well as with regulatory, real estate, construction, franchise and distribution, surety and insurance, shareholder, and governance matters. He also has represented clients in arbitration and appellate proceedings, including before the state supreme court.

While in law school, Mark interned for General Motors and has particular knowledge representing and advising automotive suppliers and in complex matters.

Mark A. Aiello是美国富理达律师事务所(Foley & Lardner LLP)的合伙人和诉讼律师,也是本所汽车行业团队的联席主持人且是建筑团队里一名活跃成员。Aiello先生专注于商业诉讼和商业交易,包括商业债权人和债务人事务。他的经验包括代表大型公司处理复杂的诉讼,以及为小型私营企业就各种商业事务提供法律咨询。






  • 参与作者:《密西根合同法》,法律继续教育学院 (1998 ,2011更新)
  • 合著、主编:密歇根法律文件—统一商法典律师合作出版公司 (1995)

  • 合著:“密歇根法律、商业交易和合同的年度调查”,韦恩法律评论 (2003),第49卷,第2期;韦恩法律评论 (1996), 第42卷, 第2期;韦恩法律评论(1995),第41卷,第2A期

  • 合著:“密歇根法律、行政法的年度调查”,韦恩法律评论 (1992),第38卷, 第2A期

  • 合著:“统一商法典2-0702条在破产中的应用”,密歇根商业法律期刊 (2009)第29卷,第 3期

  • 合著:“证明密歇根的经济危机:以枪逼指钱包是否足够?”, 密歇根商业法律期刊 (2006),第26卷, 第2期

  • 作者:“合约中违约赔偿金的使用及救济条款的限度” 第XVI卷, 第1期, 密歇根商业法律期刊 (1994)


  • 原始设备供应商协会,“现今环境的规则、执法趋势和合规实践:聚焦美国高速公路安全管理局、出口管制、反垄断和反海外腐败法”,2012 
  • 乔治亚汽车制造商协会(亚特兰大),“供应链法律更新”,2012

  • 汽车树脂及金属研讨会,“供应链中的法律权利”,2011

  • 原始设备供应商协会(芝加哥),“汽车供应链面对的合同事宜”,2011

  • 原始设备供应商协会(底特律、芝加哥、克利夫兰), “授权、材料成本和产品开发:供应条款谈判”,2010

  • 建筑业财务管理协会年度研讨会(科纳)“建筑审计”,2010

  • 原始设备供应商协会法律理事会,“原始制造商破产事件更新”,2009

  • 原始设备供应商协会首席财务官理事会, “汽车供应商策略”,2009

  • 网络研讨会,“新克莱斯勒和新通用汽车供应商策略”, 2009

  • 建筑业财务管理协会年度研讨会(拉斯维加斯),“虚假申报 – 问题、规章和制度”,2009

  • 建筑业财务管理协会年度研讨会(奥兰多), “建筑业欺诈的识别和预防” 2008

  • 全美采购经理人协会(芝加哥),“采购法”,2008

  • 建筑业财务管理协会年度研讨会(菲尼克斯),“建筑合资企业”,2007

  • 密西根建筑业研讨会,“建筑合资企业的设立和注销”,2006

  • 密西根注册会计师协会,诉讼和企业价值评估研讨会,“多波特挑战”,2005

  • 美国供应管理协会,年度研讨会(旧金山),“应对陷入困境的供应商”,2003

  • 法律继续教育学院,“起草供应协议”,2002

  • 美国供应管理协会,年度研讨会(奥兰多),“采购法中的热门话题”,2002




Awards and Recognition

  • Recognized, Chambers USA: America’s Leading Business Lawyers
  • Recognized, Michigan Super Lawyers®
  • Recipient, 2017 Legal Excellence Award, Corporate Vision


  • Co-chair, Commercial Litigation Committee for the Federal Bar Association (Eastern District of Michigan)
  • Former Director, Business Law Section for the State of Michigan

Community Involvement

Mark is involved in numerous community activities and sits on a number of boards for local organizations, including Crime Stoppers of Michigan and the local Community Foundation.

Presentations and Publications

  • Original Equipment Suppliers Association, “Regulations, Enforcement Trends and Compliance Practices for Today’s Environment: a Focus on NHTSA, Export Controls, Antitrust and FCPA”
  • Association of Corporate Counsel, “Protection of Intellectual Property Rights”
  • Original Equipment Suppliers Association, “Contract Issues Facing the Automotive Supply Chain”
  • National Association of Construction Auditors, Annual Conference, “Construction Contracts”
  • Georgia Automotive Manufacturers Association, “Supply Chain Legal Update”
  • Motor Vehicle Resin and Metal Conference, “Legal Rights in the Supply Chain”
  • Original Equipment Suppliers Association, “Warranty, Material Costs and Product Development: Negotiating Supply Terms”
  • Construction Financial Management Association Annual Conference, “Construction Audits”
  • Original Equipment Suppliers Association, Legal Issues Council, “OEM Bankruptcy Update”
  • National Association of Purchasing Management, “Purchasing Law”
  • Institute of Supply Management, Annual Conference, “Dealing with Troubled Suppliers”

Mark is a leading attorney on business law topics and has written a number of published materials on business matters. He has considerable experience in commercial matters, having coauthored leading treatises on contract and commercial law.

  • Contributing author: “Michigan Contract Law,” ICLE (2016 update)
  • Co-author and general editor: Michigan Legal Forms-Uniform Commercial Code, Lawyers Cooperative Publishing (1995 and updates)
  • Co-author: “Annual Survey of Michigan Law, Commercial Transactions and Contracts,” Vol. 49, No. 2, The Wayne Law Review (2003); Vol. 42, No. 2, The Wayne Law Review (1996); Vol. 41, No. 2A, The Wayne Law Review (1995)
  • Co-author: “Annual Survey of Michigan Law, Administrative Law,” Vol. 38, No. 2A, The Wayne Law Review (1992)
  • Co-author: “The Use of UCC Section 2-702 in Bankruptcy,” Vol. XXIX, No. 3, Mich. Bus. L.J. (2009)
  • Co-author: “Proving Economic Duress in Michigan: Will a Gun to the Wallet Ever Be Enough?,” Vol. XXVI, No. 2, Mich. Bus. L.J. (2006)
  • Author: “Use of Liquidated Damage and Limitation of Remedies Clauses in Contracts,” Vol. XVI, No. 1, Mich. Bus. L.J. (1994)
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