Jeffery R. Atkin


Jeff Atkin is a partner and business lawyer with Foley & Lardner LLP, where he is the co-chair of the Energy Sector and a member of the firm’s management committee. Jeff is one of the early pioneers in renewable energy and infrastructure, with over 20 years of experience in the space. He is highly regarded for his deep industry connections and work with developers, sponsors, lenders, investors, equipment suppliers, and utilities.

Jeff focuses his practice on project development, project finance, mergers & acquisitions, joint ventures and developments, real estate developments, offtake agreements, supply and EPC agreements, O&M and services agreements, and corporate formation and structuring. He has guided clients through the successful completion of over 200 transactions, totaling over 20 GWs of projects, leading efforts from due diligence to contract negotiations to closing and integration. Jeff prides himself on organizing and leading a team of lawyers who provide quality work in an efficient and timely fashion.

Jeff’s experience spans various technologies in relation to solar, wind, biomass/biofuels/waste-to-energy, geothermal, EV mobility, hydrogen,  sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), carbon capture, microgrids, and energy transition.

Jeffery R. Atkin是富理达律师事务所的律师并担任洛杉矶办公室的首席合伙人,在此,他的执业范围涵盖许多商业和金融事务,其中包括再生能源、项目融资、私募配售、并购、合资、房地产开发和设备采购及租赁。他是太阳能团队负责人与能源产业的成员,也是拉丁美洲业务部的成员。


Atkin先生是洛约拉法学院的客座教职人员,讲授替代能源开发和项目融资方面的课程。同时,他还参加了2014Law360项目融资编辑咨询委员会。在加入富理达之前,Atkin先生是美国第九巡回上述法院法官Sidney R. Thomas 司法实习生。



  • 2015年获得可再生能源和替代能源项目的国家认可—美国委员会
  • 2014年名列“并购杂志”4040岁以下最佳律师名单
  • 2013-2015当选南加州杰出律师明日之星®
  • 2013-2015年其再生能源可替代能源业绩被Legal 500认可
  • 2012-2015年其项目融资业绩被Legal 500认可
  • 2012年被Law 360选为能源产业内40岁以下五大明日之星之一。







  • 代表爱迪生公司收购6个位于加州的14兆瓦规格太阳能光伏项目。
  • 代表加拿大太阳能公司世界最大的太阳能公司之一与夏普集团达成决定性协议,收购可再生能源公司北美知名太能源开发商,合同标的额达到2.65亿万美元。
  • 代表Brite能源公司对2亿美元的摩根斯坦利税收平衡基金进行融资,该太阳能项目跨越美国多州,该投资与MiSolar Ix共同提供价格低廉的清洁能源。
  • 代表税收优惠投资方,筹集高达100,000,000美元的民用太阳能基金。代表公司,筹集10,000,000A股资金。
  • 代表再生能源开发商和融资方对全美公用事业级别的项目进行收购、开发和融资,其中包括亚利桑那州、加利福尼亚州、科罗拉多州、佛罗里达州、夏威夷州、马萨诸塞州、内华达州、新泽西州、新墨西哥州、波多黎各、得克萨斯州和犹他州的项目以及国际项目的收购、开发和融资,其中包括澳大利亚、巴西、加拿大、中美洲、智利、日本、墨西哥和南非的项目。
  • 代表大型太阳能项目开发商,对内华达州的70MW聚热太阳热能厂进行建设、电力出售、融资和运营。
  • 代表太阳能设备和风轮机制造商和项目开发商,对近1,000MWs 的太阳能电池板和超过2,000MWs的风轮机的采购供应提供咨询。
  • 代表开发商对北达科他州、明尼苏达州和科罗拉多州的五个风能项目投资组合进行税后优惠方面的融资。项目总计功率达到598MWs
  • 代表主要的开发商,收购美国和加拿大的八个风能项目投资组合。 代表风能和太阳能开发商与建筑公司,议定美国和加拿大的许多项目设备及其它建设相关协议。
  • 代表风能和太阳能开发商,包括PG&E, SCE, SDG&E, SMUD, LADWP, SCPPA, UAMPS, Nevada Power, APS, SRP, TVA等成功签订若干项电力购买协议、招标、谈判项目
  • 代表主要的太阳能开发商和制造商,收购在美国的三个太阳能安装企业。
  • 代表土地所有人和开发商,与包括美洲土著部落在内的各方,制定和商讨不同的合资及开发安排。
  • 代表股权投资方,收购位于宾夕法尼亚和加利福尼亚的三个太阳能开发及安装企业,其中包括超过30个太阳能光伏工程的投资组合。
  • 代表国际开发商和制造商,对于不同公立学校内的九个太阳能光伏设施组合进行收购和股本投资。
  • 代表施工贷方和承包商实施位于亚利桑那州的10.5MW风能和太阳能组合项目的建设和债务融资。


  • 2016年3月24日,担任以“获取发展资本”为主题的2016年太阳能融资和投资峰会主席
  • 2015年11月10日,担任以“商业开发前景:大规模市场”为主题的2015年度太阳能墨西哥峰会主席
  • 2015年3月24日作为2015年太阳能融资和投资峰会主席,发表关于太阳能发电的执行简报
  • 2014911日第6届拉美中国投资论坛嘉宾,发表题为“中国企业在拉美投资的新领域新机会”的演讲
  • 2014514日墨西哥和拉丁美洲投资能源项目会议发言人
  • 2014225日,太阳能融资和投资峰会主席
  • 2014123日,再生能源法律会议“太阳能光伏设备保修和性能保证热点问题”联合主持人。
  • 20131118日,分散式太阳能峰会“分散式太阳能前景探讨未来方案”评论小组成员。
  • 2013926日,第6届年度Infocast 公用事业级太阳能融资及投资峰会“20MW及在建项目融资”主持人。
  • 2013318日,太阳能融资及投资峰会“太阳能资产证券化:太阳能企业须知”的联合发言人。
  • 201326日美国东部光伏展“深入利基市场:运动队、非盈利、部落、学校和军事能源项目”的评论小组成员。
  • 2012109日,圣地亚哥Infocast公用事业级别太阳能峰会“合规性许可”的主持人。
  • 2012829日,“第1603条现金批准申请的具体细节”主持人。
  • 2012228日,太阳能融资和投资峰会“公用事业级项目买卖”的主持人。
  • 2011817日,“SREC圆桌会议:国家政策比较和SRECs未来观察”。
  • 2011322日,太阳能融资和投资峰会“战略联盟和合资”主持人。
  • 2011127日能源简介系列“MA SRECs:马萨诸塞州RPS太阳能上市项目说明”发言人。
  • 2010年,129日,旧金山美国中国2010年风能展“美国承购商对于风力项目的技术要求”的主持人。
  • 20101021日,能源简介系列“第1603条现金批准”发言人。
  • 2010825日,洛杉矶2010AlterEnergy“再生能源现状和未来探讨”主席和主持人。
  • 2009930日,富理达2009年新兴技术会以“替代能源趋势和机遇”主持人。
  • 200951日,加利福尼亚州清洁创新会议“新再生能源技术”主持人。
  • 2009212日,加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥2009风力投资峰会“独立风能开发商关于风能融资和开发的看法”主持人。
  • 2009211日,加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥2009年风力投资峰会“风力资产买卖”峰会前研讨会主席。
  • 2009120日,参加题为“当前经济条件和政府政策如何对再生能源项目开发产生影响?”的UCLA 再生能源开发研讨会。
  • 2007年、2008年和2009年在加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥举办的风力投资峰会“收购组织结构和尽职调查”发言人。

Representative Experience

  • Represented rPlus Energies, a leading private renewable energy developer, in the formation of its platform-level partnership with Sandbrook Capital for the investment of up to $460 million in the platform alongside continued support from the Gardner Group.
  • Represented New Energy Equity, a national end-to-end solar development and finance company, in the sale of 100% of its membership interests to ALLETE, an energy provider that invests in transmission infrastructure and other energy-centric businesses.
  • Represented Balanced Rock Power, a Utah-based developer of high-quality, large-scale renewable energy projects, in the completion of a minority equity investment by SG Energy.
  • Represented Canadian Solar, Inc. on the acquisition of Recurrent Energy LLC. The acquisition increased Canadian Solar’s total solar project pipeline by 4 GW to a total of 8.5 GW and added approximately 1.0 GW of late-stage projects. The transaction was awarded the M&A Advisor Award for the Cross-Border Deal of the Year (over $250 million to $550 million) at the 14th Annual M&A Advisor Awards gala.
  • Represented Goal Zero, a provider of on-the-go solar and charging products, in the sale of 100% of its membership interests to NRG Energy.
  • Represented tax equity investor in a residential solar fund of up to $100,000,000.
  • Represented company in $10,000,000 Series A financing.
  • Represented renewable energy developers and financing parties in the acquisition, development and financing of utility scale projects across the US, including projects in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Puerto Rico, Texas, and Utah, and projects internationally, including projects in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Central America, Chile, Japan, Mexico, and South Africa.
  • Represented solar equipment and wind turbine manufacturer and project developers in the purchase and supply of nearly 11,000 MWs of solar panels and over 3,000 MWs of wind turbines.
  • Represented developer in tax equity financing of a portfolio of five wind energy projects in North Dakota, Minnesota and Colorado, totaling 598 MWs.
  • Represented major developer in the acquisition of a portfolio of eight wind energy projects in the U.S. and Canada.
  • Represented wind and solar energy developers and construction companies in the negotiation of balance of plant and other construction-related agreements for dozens of projects in the U.S. and Canada.
  • Represented wind and solar energy developers in several successful power purchase agreement bids, negotiations and projects, including with PG&E, SCE, SDG&E, SMUD, LADWP, SCPPA, UAMPS, Nevada Power, APS, SRP, TVA, and others.
  • Represented major solar energy developer and manufacturer in the acquisition of three solar energy installers and technology companies in the U.S.
  • Represented landowners and developers in structuring and negotiating various joint venture and development arrangements, including with several Native American tribes.
  • Represented an equity investor in the acquisition of three solar development and installation companies in Pennsylvania and California, including an aggregate portfolio of more than 30 solar PV projects.
  • Represented an international developer and manufacturer in the acquisition of and equity investment in a portfolio of nine solar PV facilities on various public schools.
  • Represented a construction lender and contractor in the construction and debt financings of a combined wind and solar energy project in Arizona.
  • Represented the developer of the Renewable Energy and Wastewater System (RENEWS™), a closed-loop system where two waste streams are combined to produce clean water and electricity, in the structuring, financing and deployment of RENEWS; The initial system was deployed at the Musco Family Olive plant in Tracy, California, the leading supplier of table olives in the United States. The system has been featured on the Discovery Channel and numerous print articles.
  • Represented the developer of a portable, modular wastewater treatment system that integrates several processing technologies to provide a purified water source; The initial commercial system was deployed at a plastics recycling facility in California.

Awards and Recognition

  • Recognized, Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business, Projects: Power & Renewables: Transactional (2015 – 2024)
  • Top 100 Lawyers – Los Angeles Business Journal (2023)
  • Top Wind AttorneyWind Industry Report: Legal Power List (2016) – A Word About Wind
  • 40 Under 40 Award Winner (2014) – The M&A Advisor
  • Southern California Super Lawyers® lists (2013 – 2023)
  • Renewable/Alternative Energy Recognition (2013 – 2016) – The Legal 500
  • Project Finance Recognition (2012 – 2016) – The Legal 500
  • Projects and Energy (2015) – The Legal 500 Latin America
  • Top 5 Energy Rising Star Under 40 (2012) – Law360


Over the years, Jeff has taught energy classes at several leading business schools across the country.  Jeff was also an adjunct faculty at Loyola Law School and for 6 years taught a course on alternative energy development and project finance. He has also been on the Project Finance Editorial Advisory Board for Law360.

Presentations and Publications

  • Panelist, “Supporting Energy Acquisitions” ACG Symposium on Reps & Warranties, Tax and Contingent Liability Insurance, Beverly Hills, June 22, 2023
  • Panelist, “Optimizing Battery Storage ROI – From Project Economics, to Pre-Construction, to Tax Credits Enertis Webinar,” October 20, 2022
  • Moderator, “Financing Challenges for the California Market” Infocast Solar Power Finance & Investment Summit, March 19, 2020
  • Moderator, “Banks Perspectives on CCA Lending Sponsor Equity,” Infocast Community Choice Energy Summit, November 29, 2018
  • Moderator, “Sourcing Sponsor Equity and Development and Construction Capital,” Solar Power Finance & Investment Summit, March 22, 2018
  • Moderator, “PPA Developments and Future Outlook,” Solar Asset Management, March 13, 2018
  • Moderator, “Storage for Demand Reduction in C&I Market,” Storage Week, February 24, 2017
  • Panelist, “What’s the Deal with M&A Deals?,” USC Business Law Society, October 5, 2016
  • Moderator, “Accessing Development Capital,” 2016 Solar Power Finance & Investment Summit, March 24, 2016
  • Moderator, “Business Development Landscape: The Large Scale Market,” Solar Mexico 2015, November 10, 2015
  • Chair, Solar Power Executive Briefing, 2015 Solar Power Finance & Investment Summit, March 24, 2015
  • “New Sectors, Segments, and Opportunities for China in LAC,” The 6th Latin America China Investors Forum, September 11, 2014
  • “Buying and Investing in Energy Projects in Mexico and Latin America,” speaker, Energy Bootcamp, May 14, 2014
  • Summit chair, Solar Power Finance & Investment Summit, February 25, 2014
  • “Hot Topics in Solar PV Equipment Warranties and Performance Guarantees,” co-presenter, Renewable Energy Law Conference, January 23, 2014
  • “What is on the Horizon for Distributed Solar – Future Proposals,” panelist, Distributed Solar Summit 2013, November 18, 2013
  • “Financing 20MW and Under Projects,” moderator, 6th Annual Infocast Utility Scale Solar Finance & Investment Summit, September 26, 2013
  • “Solar Securitization: What Solar Companies Need to Know,” co-presenter, Solar Power Finance & Investment Summit, March 18, 2013
  • “Penetrating Niche Markets: Sports Teams, Nonprofits, Tribes, Schools & Military Energy Projects,” panelist, PV America East, February 6, 2013
  • “Permitting with Compliance in Mind,” moderator, Infocast Utility Scale Solar Summit in San Diego, October 9, 2012
  • “The Nuts and Bolts of the Section 1603 Cash Grant Application,” moderator, August 29, 2012
  • “Buying and Selling Utility Scale Projects,” moderator, Solar Power Finance & Investment Summit, February 28, 2012
  • “SREC Roundtable: A Comparison of State Policies and a Look into the Future of SRECs,” August 17, 2011
  • “Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures,” moderator, Solar Power Finance & Investment Summit, March 22, 2011
  • “MA SRECs: The Massachusetts RPS Solar Carve-Out Program Explained,” presenter, Energy Briefing Series, January 27, 2011
  • “US Offtakers’ Technical Requirements for Wind Power Projects,” moderator, US-China Wind 2010, San Francisco, December 9, 2010
  • “Section 1603 Cash Grants,” presenter, Energy Briefing Series, October 21, 2010
  • “A Discussion on the Present and Future of Renewable Energy,” chair and moderator, AlterEnergy 2010, Los Angeles, April 25, 2010
  • “Alternative Energy Trends and Opportunities,” moderator, Foley’s 2009 Emerging Technologies Conference, September 30, 2009
  • “New Renewable Energy Technologies,” moderator, California Clean Innovations Conference, May 1, 2009
  • “Independent Wind Developers’ Perspective on Wind Financing and Development,” moderator, Wind Power Investment Summit 2009, San Diego, California, February 12, 2009
  • “Buying & Selling Wind Power Assets,” chair of Pre-Summit Workshop, Wind Power Investment Summit 2009, San Diego, California, February 11, 2009
  • “Acquisition Structures and Due Diligence,” Wind Power Investment Summit 2007, 2008 and 2009, San Diego, California
  • Author, legal chapter, Project Development in the Solar Industry book (2012)


  • Spanish
16 August 2024 Honors and Awards

Natasha Allen and Jeffery Atkin Named California Legal Awards Honorees

Foley & Lardner LLP partners Natasha Allen and Jeffery Atkin are named 2024 California Legal Awards honorees by The Recorder and
06 June 2024 Press Releases

Foley Achieves Top Rankings in Chambers USA 2024

Foley & Lardner LLP is pleased to announce that it is again recognized by Chambers & Partners as one of the leading law firms in the country in the 2024 edition of Chambers USA, America’s Leading Lawyers for Business.
26 March 2024 Deals and Wins

Foley Represents Avantus in Investment from KKR to Support Renewable Energy Development

Foley & Lardner LLP served as legal advisor to Avantus in its signing of a definitive agreement by which investment funds and accounts managed by KKR.
23 February 2024 Deals and Wins

Foley Represents rPlus Energies in $460M Partnership with Sandbrook Capital

Foley & Lardner LLP served as legal advisor to rPlus Energies, a leading private renewable energy developer, in the formation of its platform-level partnership with Sandbrook Capital, a private investment firm dedicated to transforming the world's energy infrastructure.
15 February 2024 Honors and Awards

Foley Recognized in 2024 Chambers Global Guide

Foley & Lardner LLP announced today that six of its attorneys are recognized in the 2024 edition of Chambers Global. The global guide also recognizes the firm in four practices areas in the U.S. and Mexico.
10-13 March 2024 Events

Infocast Solar + Wind Finance & Investment Summit

A team of Foley attorneys from the firm's Energy Sector will attend the Infocast Solar + Wind Finance & Investment Summit on March 10-13.