The American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) 25th Annual Spring Meeting will be held in Washington, D.C. from April 12 – April 15, 2007. Each year, the conference brings together bankruptcy judges and leading practitioners from across the country for education and networking. This year’s program will feature the following panels:
- And Now for Something Completely Different: A Roundtable on Bankruptcy, Labor and Credit Issues and the New Congress
- Judges’ Roundtable: Supreme Court Year in Review
- Ready, Set, Go: A Practical Guide to Preparing and Filing a Chapter 11 Case and Surviving the “First Days”—Part I and Part II
- Real Estate Restructuring Redux: What the New Dirt Cases Will Look Like
- “And Throw Away the Key”: Eligibility Issues in Consumer Cases
- Key Restructuring Issues in Energy, Telecom and Utility Sector Cases
- Getting to the Finish Line: Current Issues in Chapter 13 Plan Confirmation, Implementation and Discharge
- Equity Rises Again: Strategies for Interest Holders in Chapter 11 Reorganizations and Sales
- The Death of Deepening Insolvency?: Corporate Governance for Troubled Companies After the Delaware Cases
- Health Care Business Restructurings and Liquidations After BAPCPA: Issues and Strategies for the “New” Cases
- Plenary Session: The Application of State Ethics Rules in Bankruptcy: Are We Just Holding Our Noses and Looking the Other Way?
- Plenary Session: Selecting and Qualifying and Expert: Not Just Anyone Will Do
The conference will also feature the Eleventh Annual ABI Great Debates. Foley Partner, Michael P. Richman, will participate on the Great Debates session “Resolved: Loan-to-Own DIP Lenders Should Not Be Allowed to Credit Bid.”
Foley is proud to co-sponsor the Luncheon Program on Friday, April 13. The luncheon will feature Keynote Chris Gardner, whose life story of going from homelessness to Wall Street is now inspiring millions in the current movie The Pursuit of Happyness, starring Will Smith. Also on April 13, Foley will host a cocktail reception for colleagues and friends.