During Wednesday’s 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. panel, Foley Nanotechnology Partner and co-chair of the Life Sciences Industry Team, David Rosen, will present: Policy and Guidance Developments for FDA.
Additional panelists include:
- Mitchell Cheeseman, Deputy Director of the Office of Food Additive Safety, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, FDA
- Subhas Malghan, Deputy Director for Program Policy and Evaluation, Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories FDA/CDRH
- Lawrence Tamarkin, Ph.D., Co-Founder, President, and CEO, CytImmune Sciences Inc.
The Federal Roundtable is expected to draw business leaders, investors, venture capitalists, scientists, engineers, government officials and visionaries who are driving the success of nanotechnology. The full day agenda will stimulate dialogue between NanoBusiness Alliance Members and Federal Agencies, explore the latest on regulatory policy/impending regulatory actions and federal research initiatives, and familiarize guests with federal product approval authorities, processes, and innovation strategies, with an emphasis on pending developments.
For more information on the Federal Roundtable agenda or the full 9th Annual Washington D.C. Roundtable event, please visit the NanoBusiness Alliance site.