Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP has earned recognition for a plethora of practices in the 2011-2012 "Best Law Firms" rankings compiled by the U.S. News Media Group and Best Lawyers®.
The national first-tier rankings will be featured in U.S. News & World Report's Money issue, on newsstands Nov. 15, 2011; the national and metropolitan first-tier rankings are featured in the Best Law Firms standalone publication; and the complete rankings are posted online at
In the national rankings, Gardere's Litigation – Tax practice scored first-tier honors. In the metropolitan rankings, the Government Relations Practice in Austin earned first-tier honors as did a number of practices in Dallas and Houston including Admiralty & Maritime Law, Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law, Corporate Law, Criminal Defense: White-Collar – Litigation, Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law, Environmental Law, Information Technology Law, Tax Law, Trust & Estates Law and various litigation specialties.
These rankings showcase 9,633 different law firms ranked nationally in one or more of 75 major legal practice areas and in metropolitan or state rankings in one or more of 119 major legal practice areas. Achieving a high ranking is a special distinction that signals a unique combination of excellence and breadth of expertise.
"We are extremely pleased to have achieved such high recognition in such a wide range of areas," says Steve Good, Gardere's Managing Partner. "We truly believe this honor is evidence of our commitment to integrity and excellence, and the lasting impression that's made with our clients and fellow attorneys."
Gardere Wynne Sewell Practices Named to 2011-2012 "Best Law Firms" List
National Rankings
Tier 1
Litigation – Tax
Tier 2
Commercial Litigation
Corporate Law
Litigation – Environmental
Oil & Gas Law
Technology Law
Tier 3
Admiralty & Maritime Law
Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law
Litigation – Construction
Tax Law
Metropolitan Rankings
Tier 1
Government Relations Practice
Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law
Commercial Litigation
Corporate Law
Environmental Law
Information Technology Law
Litigation – Antitrust
Litigation – Bankruptcy
Litigation – Construction
Litigation – Environmental
Litigation – Tax
Trusts & Estates Law
Admiralty & Maritime Law
Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law
Criminal Defense: White-Collar – Litigation
Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law
Tax Law
Technology Law
Tier 2
Corporate Governance Law
Family Law
Litigation – Intellectual Property
Litigation – Securities
Mergers & Acquisitions Law
Patent Law
Securities / Capital Markets Law
Tax Law
Commercial Litigation
Corporate Law
Litigation – Bankruptcy
Litigation – Eminent Domain & Condemnation
Litigation – Environmental
Litigation – Securities
Litigation – Tax
Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions – Defendants
Oil & Gas Law
Trusts & Estates Law