EPA's New Final Boiler MACT, CISWI, and Solid Waste Rules – Highlights and First Reactions
EPA will publish on the same date a final rule defining “non-hazardous solid waste” under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The RCRA rule will determine which sources will be regulated under CAA 112 MACT standards, and which will be regulated under CAA 129 CISWI standards.
The four proposed rules (appearing in the June 4, 2010 Federal Register) produced a firestorm of criticism and controversy from industry groups and state agencies, and intense counter-reactions from environmental groups. Industry groups have asserted that the proposed standards would be so costly that many facilities would be forced to shut down with accompanying job losses. Environmental groups assert that the tough new standards are necessary to reduce emissions of mercury, lead, and other hazardous pollutants.
Republican leaders in the new Congress have focused heavily on these four rules in their recent campaign to curtail alleged regulatory excesses from EPA and other agencies. EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, reacting to such criticisms, has announced that the approaches taken in the upcoming final rules will be significantly different from the June 2010 proposed rules.
Please join us on February 24, 2011, when seasoned CAA and RCRA practitioners Richard G. Stoll, Mark A. Thimke, and Brian H. Potts from Foley’s Environmental Regulation Practice will review highlights of the new rules and present initial reactions from the regulated industry’s viewpoint.
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