Foley Selected as Recipient of Chief Justice's Law Firm Commendation Pro Bono Service Award
Foley is proud to announce that the Firm is the recipient of the 2011 Chief Justice’s Law Firm Commendation Pro Bono Service Award. The award is presented by the Florida Supreme Court to one law firm for its outstanding efforts in support of pro bono legal services.
“At Foley, we believe that the provision of pro bono legal services is part of our ethical obligation as members of the Bar,” said Ed Baxa, Chair of the firm’s National Pro Bono Committee.” Three years ago we embarked on an initiative to significantly increase the diversity and quantity of the legal services which the firm provided to the poor and underserved people in our communities. We are proud of the contribution we have made to ensure that the ideal of equal justice under the law is realized in Florida on a day-to-day basis.”
The firm was nominated by the Dade County Bar Association Legal Aid Society after witnessing Foley’s pro bono commitment firsthand through the Put Something Back program, a joint project of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit and the Dade County Bar Association dedicated to providing free legal assistance to individuals in Miami-Dade County who are unable to afford legal representation.
“Foley has an exemplary reputation for its commitment to pro bono service,” said Sharon L. Langer, executive director for the Dade County Bar Association Legal Aid Society. “It is evident through the amount of time Foley attorneys invest in pro bono service that they truly believe giving back to the community is part of their professional responsibility.”
Working closely with the Orange County Legal Aid Society, the Dade County Bar Association Legal Aid Society, Bet Tzedek, Bay Area Legal Services, the Florida Attorneys’ Saving Homes Project, Jacksonville Area Legal Aid and the Disabled American Veterans among others, Foley attorneys have donated time and service on behalf of children, Holocaust survivors, families adversely affected by the challenging economy and injured military personnel returning from war. The Firm employs the diverse talents of its attorneys to meet the varied needs of underserved Floridians including abused and neglected children, charitable organizations, victims of political persecution seeking asylum, prisoners needing post-conviction representation and first responder/the indigent elderly in need of advance directives and estate planning.
Foley is honored and humbled to receive this award in a Bar whose attorneys are so deeply committed to the importance of providing pro bono legal services.