Firm has 145 Practices Recognized Locally and Nationally in “Best Law Firms” Rankings
Foley announced today that it has been named the first U.S. News – Best Lawyers “Law Firm of the Year” in Health Care Law. Only one law firm in each of the nationally ranked practice areas receives this level of recognition.
Additionally, in the U.S. News – Best Lawyers 2011 – 2012 “Best Law Firm” rankings, Foley achieved first-tier rankings in 145 practice areas ranked locally and nationally, up from 70 practice areas ranked in 2010. Foley is currently among the top 20 firms with the most first-tier metropolitan rankings.
To compile its “Best Law Firms” rankings, U.S. News – Best Lawyers surveyed law firm clients, asking respondents to evaluate firms based on the following criteria: expertise, responsiveness, understanding of a business and its needs, cost-effectiveness, civility and whether they would refer another client to the firm.
In addition to the information gathered from the above mentioned survey, the rankings also incorporate the 3.9 million evaluations of more than 41,000 individual leading lawyers collected by Best Lawyers via its most recent annual survey.
Practices are classified and ranked in national and metropolitan categories established by U.S. News – Best Lawyers. Foley first-tier rankings include:
National First-Tier Rankings
- Biotechnology Law
- Commercial Litigation
- Copyright Law
- Corporate Compliance Law
- Corporate Governance Law
- Corporate Law
- Derivatives and Futures Law
- Energy Law
- Environmental Law
- Health Care Law
- Litigation – Antitrust
- Litigation – Bankruptcy
- Litigation – Intellectual Property
- Litigation – Real Estate
- Litigation – Tax
- Patent Law
- Securities/Capital Markets Law
- Sports Law
- Trademark Law
Metropolitan First-Tier Rankings
- Corporate Compliance Law
- Criminal Defense: White-Collar – Litigation
- Health Care Law
- Information Technology Law
- Mergers & Acquisitions Law
- Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights/Insolvency and Reorganization Law
- Derivatives and Futures Law
- Land Use & Zoning Law
- Litigation – Bankruptcy
- Litigation – Real Estate
- Litigation – Tax
- Litigation – Trusts & Estates
- Non-Profit/Charities Law
- Trusts & Estates Law
- Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights/Insolvency and Reorganization Law
- Corporate Law
- Employment Law – Management
- Government Relations Practice
- Health Care Law
- Banking and Finance Law
- Commercial Litigation
- Construction Law
- Corporate Law
- Labor Law – Management
- Litigation – Construction
- Litigation – Labor & Employment
- Litigation – Real Estate
- Mergers & Acquisitions Law
- Public Finance Law
- Real Estate Law
- Tax Law
Los Angeles
- Copyright Law
- Criminal Defense: White-Collar – Litigation
- Health Care Law
- Trademark Law
- Appellate Practice
- Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights/Insolvency and Reorganization Law
- Biotechnology Law
- Commercial Litigation
- Communications Law
- Corporate Law
- Eminent Domain and Condemnation Law
- Employment Law – Management
- Energy Law
- Environmental Law
- Family Law
- Immigration Law
- Insurance Law
- Labor Law – Management
- Litigation – Bankruptcy
- Litigation – Eminent Domain & Condemnation
- Litigation – Intellectual Property
- Litigation – Labor & Employment
- Litigation – Patent
- Litigation – Real Estate
- Litigation – Trusts & Estates
- Mergers & Acquisition Law
- Patent Law
- Real Estate Law
- Technology Law
- Trusts & Estates Law
- Antitrust Law
- Appellate Practice
- Banking and Finance Law
- Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights/Insolvency and Reorganization Law
- Commercial Litigation
- Corporate Law
- Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law
- Employment Law – Management
- Energy Law
- Environmental Law
- Financial Services Regulation Law
- Franchise Law
- Health Care Law
- Insurance Law
- International Trade and Finance Law
- Labor Law – Management
- Litigation – Antitrust
- Litigation – Bankruptcy
- Litigation – Construction
- Litigation – Eminent Domain & Condemnation
- Litigation – Environmental
- Litigation – Intellectual Property
- Litigation – Labor & Employment
- Litigation – Real Estate
- Litigation – Securities
- Litigation – Trusts & Estates
- Mass Tort Litigation/Class Actions – Defendants
- Mergers & Acquisitions Law
- Non-Profit/Charities Law
- Private Equity Law
- Product Liability Litigation – Defendants
- Real Estate Law
- Securities/Capital Markets Law
- Securities Regulation
- Securitization and Structured Finance Law
- Sports Law
- Tax Law
- Trusts & Estates Law
New York
- Health Care Law
- Administrative/Regulatory Law
- Commercial Litigation
- Corporate Law
- Environmental Law
- Equipment Finance Law
- Government Relations Practice
- Land Use & Zoning Law
- Litigation – Construction
- Litigation – Real Estate
- Real Estate Law
San Diego
- Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights/Insolvency and Reorganization Law
- Health Care Law
- Litigation – Bankruptcy
San Francisco
- Criminal Defense: White-Collar – Litigation
- Insurance Law
- Corporate Compliance Law
- Corporate Governance Law
- Mergers & Acquisitions Law
- Real Estate Law
- Securities/Capital Markets Law
- Tax Law
- Administrative/Regulatory Law
- Biotechnology Law
- Litigation – Trusts & Estates
- Patent Law
- Trusts & Estates Law